Park Ranger’s report 2014

Our excellent Park Ranger, Alec, provided his report to the Friends annual AGM on 25th June 2014. “Yet another year has gone by as Ranger for Cefn Onn, and what a busy year it has been. The group continues to grow and our workdays are always well attended with a really good bunch of dedicated people that get stuck into any task I throw at them. Those tasks have ranged from cutting back vegetation from the paths, laying stone and bark to improve the path system, un-blocking drains and pipes clearing storm damaged trees and eating mince pies and drinking mulled wine.
I think we are making a huge difference to the park and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has come out on a workday and made a real difference in Cefn Onn. The Park is looking really good and reflects the good work on the ground and the efforts of everyone involved. I hope the Friends working closely with the Council will continue to carry out this work so future generations can enjoy the beauty of Cefn Onn Park.
Last but not least I would like to thank all the members of the committee for their hard work throughout the year organizing and making everything run smoothly I know it is a lot of work but ultimately will hugely benefit the Park and local community. Alec Stewart, Cefn Onn Park Ranger, Cardiff County Council.”

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